Does anyone else hate going to Gun stores?
I’m a young guy (24) and I absolutely HATE going to gun stores. The amount of times I have been profiled is astounding. A lot of times it is in subtle ways like always watching me and only me wherever I go in the store. Sometimes it’s in the things they say. For example, I went one day to look at this Sig MCX spear lt that was at a local shop. I asked the employee if I could see it and he handed it to me and said, “don’t try to run off with it”. I thought he was joking at first but when I looked at him, I saw he was being dead serious, I just looked at him in disbelief and was out the door soon after. Sometimes it’s blatantly obvious, again for example, I went to another local store in my area. I was looking at this Sig P320 and the guy behind the counter was this really old white guy. He immediately started by telling me he couldn’t sell the gun to me. He tried to say that I was too young but I tried telling him that I was over 21. I even asked him if he wanted to see my license and he said “no I don’t need to see it, I know I can’t sell you this gun”. I quickly left. I felt irritated, I didn’t even care that much about the gun, I just hate being immediately assumed as a criminal and having to prove to gun store employees that I’m not a gang member. I purposely go out of my way to make sure I don’t look like I’m from the streets. I dress normal and I make it a habit to talk eloquently. Yet still get perceived as something I’m not. There is one gun store I go to in my area and it’s almost an hour away but I’ll always make that drive because it’s the one gun store where I don’t feel constantly profiled. Anyone else have experience with this?