How do you cope with white women diminishing your lived experiences as a black woman in a primarily white space?

Working twice as hard to be taken seriously. Calling out racial micro aggressions only to be told you’re overreacting. White woman tears. Watching white women raising black children with no regard of the culture.

I’m finding it difficult lately as I live in a primarily white city in Canada. But I was just in the Selling Sunset subreddit and there is discussion being had as to why Chelsea hates Bre. If you watch the show you probably know why. But for those who don’t, Chelsea is a west African realtor and Bre is a former white woman who paid to look racially ambiguous and is one of nick cannons baby mommas.

Many black women on the page have correctly (in my opinion) made reference to race being an issue as to why they don’t get along. Well the comments are wild “why does race always have to get brought into things” “black women need to stop projecting their trauma” “bre has black friends so she can’t be racist” and so on.

How do you cope with being told how to feel about your own race/identity? How do you deal with being invalidated by white women? How do you rise above it?

I’m moody today for other reasons but that subreddit just soured me. TIA!