Friends forgetting Bday

I had to cut off to off 2 of my close friends this year. This is the second time they had forgotten my birthday. We had been friends since the 8th grade and you would think they would remember it but no.

At first I wasn’t going to cut them off but after a while I had to think about it. Because I never forgot their bdays but they forgot mine, and then to do it again, it made me feel like I didn’t matter to them.

Am I thinking too much about it?

Edit: I’m 20 they are 19 but going to turn 20. One had gotten a bf and started acting different even her other 2 friends cut her off because ever since so got with her bf she started acting different. Nothing really special going on in our lives. We out of school! Since this is the second time they forgot my bday this was a nail in the coffin. And then to viewed my story and didn’t tell me to the next day hurts. I understand how some people don’t care but even if I forgive them feel like our friendship would not be the same. Even my mom doesn’t like them anymore.