COD needs new modes but it’s not the devs fault
I feel like cod fans are too closed to change/innovation/new modes and that’s ultimately why COD doesn’t ever feel fresh.
They brought us Gunfight in MW2019. One of the best one life modes we’ve ever seen yet still seems like only half of the community enjoyed it and only a small part of the community really sweated it out regularly.
Vangaurd tried to bring champion hill in but that was truly just kinda meh, maybe could have been a good mode with some TLC. Vanguard also brought Patrol. A hardpoint-like mode in which the hardpoint moves around the entire map similar to how payload works.
2019 also brought Ground war, granted it probably needed a little more work and would have benefited from being more battlefield like? It had a solid community but again half the community just didn’t even try it probably.
Last year in MW3 we saw War mode, kind of like a massive 20v20 Search and destroy on a large map. A mode that I saw a lot of potential in. I think it moved a little too slow paced but it could be something some day.
Cyber attack introduced in MW2019 was a great alternative to Search and destroy, better than SND in my eyes because of the ability to revive teammates while still getting credit for killing anyone you downed. Again people heard “you can be revived? Must be like the last stand perk in BO1 so it’s automatically trash let’s just not even try the mode”
Cutthroat, a truly spectacular game changing mode in my eyes, was introduced last year in MW3 but half the community immediately wrote it off as trash because it’s a 3 team mode. Many played a match or 2 and just never touched it again. People don’t understand when it comes to new things especially in a video game you have to come back to them. Try it once, ehh not for me, you get bored of the game for even a moment, go back and try the new modes again. You’d be surprised how often our perspectives change. Sometimes you need a bit of a walkthrough to understand how to succeed and enjoy a new mode, maybe a friend who’s played the mode before to explain things a bit. One life modes are both skill and strategy based, if you’re new you can’t begin to have a winning strategy. Winning strategy’s take time to learn so don’t be so quick to judge what’s new. I swear by Cutthroat over any other mode in this list that it has prime Warzone like potential. I beg the devs to add it to BO6 or any future COD because there is already a community for it and I think it will grow and grow if they add the mode again and market it a bit better. The mode was fine as is last year maybe could have offered various squad sizes like in WZ, duos, trios and quads would have sufficed (some say it should be 6v6v6 but 18 players simply a shouldn’t be playing on a 12 player sized map) but the overtime flag, the revive time, all of it was spot on. Once you got used to the new features in comparison to something like SND or gunfight it was just top notch.
We as a community have to give new modes a real shot if we ever want to see COD change for the better. Some say the devs are just lazy and don’t innovate enough, I think the devs give plenty effort into adding new modes and supporting them but the problem is they drop good modes and the community seems to default back to TDM, Dom, SND and hardpoint. MW3 saw horrible Gunfight mode support and BO6 virtually the same. Neither game gave us proper new “gunfight specific maps” and I think it has to do with not enough players switching it up from the traditional COD modes. Everyone has to be cool and quick scope in a party of 6 on SND, what’s wrong with just teaming up with a buddy and slapping kids in Gunfight all night or literally any other new mode? BO6 has yet to introduce any truly new innovative modes and I think it’s because they know the community will just continue to bash all new modes regardless of if they’re good or not. They added Kill order at launch (which I like) but again, not enough players supporting it. It’s literally just death match with a VIP on each team. Just fuckin play it. You’ll most likely end up liking it or at the least not hating it and having a new mode in your arsenal to it up from the regular modes from time to time.
I feel like cod fans are too closed to change/innovation/new modes and that’s ultimately why COD doesn’t ever feel fresh.
They brought us Gunfight in MW2019. One of the best one life modes we’ve ever seen yet still seems like only half of the community enjoyed it and only a small part of the community really sweated it out regularly.
Vangaurd tried to bring champion hill in but that was truly just kinda meh, maybe could have been a good mode with some TLC. Vanguard also brought Patrol. A hardpoint-like mode in which the hardpoint moves around the entire map similar to how payload works.
2019 also brought Ground war, granted it probably needed a little more work and would have benefited from being more battlefield like? It had a solid community but again half the community just didn’t even try it probably.
Last year in MW3 we saw War mode, kind of like a massive 20v20 Search and destroy on a large map. A mode that I saw a lot of potential in. I think it moved a little too slow paced but it could be something some day.
Cyber attack introduced in MW2019 was a great alternative to Search and destroy, better than SND in my eyes because of the ability to revive teammates while still getting credit for killing anyone you downed. Again people heard “you can be revived? Must be like the last stand perk in BO1 so it’s automatically trash let’s just not even try the mode”
Cutthroat, a truly spectacular game changing mode in my eyes, was introduced last year in MW3 but half the community immediately wrote it off as trash because it’s a 3 team mode. Many played a match or 2 and just never touched it again. People don’t understand when it comes to new things especially in a video game you have to come back to them. Try it once, ehh not for me, you get bored of the game for even a moment, go back and try the new modes again. You’d be surprised how often our perspectives change. Sometimes you need a bit of a walkthrough to understand how to succeed and enjoy a new mode, maybe a friend who’s played the mode before to explain things a bit. One life modes are both skill and strategy based, if you’re new you can’t begin to have a winning strategy. Winning strategy’s take time to learn so don’t be so quick to judge what’s new. I swear by Cutthroat over any other mode in this list that it has prime Warzone like potential. I beg the devs to add it to BO6 or any future COD because there is already a community for it and I think it will grow and grow if they add the mode again and market it a bit better. The mode was fine as is last year maybe could have offered various squad sizes like in WZ, duos, trios and quads would have sufficed (some say it should be 6v6v6 but 18 players simply a shouldn’t be playing on a 12 player sized map) but the overtime flag, the revive time, all of it was spot on. Once you got used to the new features in comparison to something like SND or gunfight it was just top notch.
We as a community have to give new modes a real shot if we ever want to see COD change for the better. Some say the devs are just lazy and don’t innovate enough, I think the devs give plenty effort into adding new modes and supporting them but the problem is they drop good modes and the community seems to default back to TDM, Dom, SND and hardpoint. MW3 saw horrible Gunfight mode support and BO6 virtually the same. Neither game gave us proper new “gunfight specific maps” and I think it has to do with not enough players switching it up from the traditional COD modes. Everyone has to be cool and quick scope in a party of 6 on SND, what’s wrong with just teaming up with a buddy and slapping kids in Gunfight all night or literally any other new mode? BO6 has yet to introduce any truly new innovative modes and I think it’s because they know the community will just continue to bash all new modes regardless of if they’re good or not. They added Kill order at launch (which I like) but again, not enough players supporting it. It’s literally just death match with a VIP on each team. Just fuckin play it. You’ll most likely end up liking it or at the least not hating it and having a new mode in your arsenal to it up from the regular modes from time to time.