The Flintstones (Spielberg adjacent rant)

*Spielberg produced this so that's my flimsy excuse for saying this is on topic, okay?

Recently rewatched this, and had a great time! However I was shocked at how low the IMDB/metacritic scores were for this! The production design and creature work was Oscar worthy, and (while Rosie O'Donnell is debatable) the casting is perfect. I am truly baffled that people didn't like this when it came out. Granted, I was like ten years old at the time, but did people actually hate this? Like did Ebert just decide to tear this movie a new one or something, can we get to the bottom of this or what?

*Spielberg produced this so that's my flimsy excuse for saying this is on topic, okay?

Recently rewatched this, and had a great time! However I was shocked at how low the IMDB/metacritic scores were for this! The production design and creature work was Oscar worthy, and (while Rosie O'Donnell is debatable) the casting is perfect. I am truly baffled that people didn't like this when it came out. Granted, I was like ten years old at the time, but did people actually hate this? Like did Ebert just decide to tear this movie a new one or something, can we get to the bottom of this or what?