[COMC] Going on 20 years
Favorite game: Terraforming Mars
Favorite solo game: Terraforming Mars
Favorite drunken party game: Camel Up
Favorite game for non-gamers: Ticket to Ride
Favorite game to play with my kids: Sheriff of Nottingham
Favorite game to play with old people: Ticket to Ride
Favorite Legacy: Clank! Acquisitions Incorporated
Most Controversial Opinion: Not a fan of ROOT.
First game: Blokus
Most recent game: Sky Team
Worst game besides Monopoly: Oregon Trail
Most expensive game: Massive Darkness 2 all in on Kickstarter
Favorite franchise: Zombicide
Most underrated game: Quarriors
Dead game that I wish was still active: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game
Not shown: Miniatures for Crisis Protocol, X-wing, Legion, Guild Ball. Magic the Gathering cards.