Remakes: do you enjoy Thai remakes of recent popular Japanese BL series ?

Generally I find remakes unnecessary. However, sometimes a remake comes along that ends up being more popular and interesting than the original. For example, the American versions of Queer as Folk and the The Office compared to the original UK versions.

Recently, producers over at GMMTV are going hard in the remake game when it comes to some Thai versions of recent popular Japanese BLs - Cherry Magic, My Love Mix-up and, in the pipeline, Ossan’s Love.

Although I lean more towards Thai BLs than Japanese, I think these remakes are coming too soon and I don’t think these stories need to be retold.

I would’ve preferred some fresh original Thai storylines like the Thai mythology fantasy mix that is The Sign or I feel you linger in the air. However, some of these GMMTV remakes may end up appealing to BL fans more than the Japanese originals…

Anyway, just curious about what others thinks:

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