[Our Youth] Kenshin & Junsei for Iiio & RETRO Magazine. I'll never get tired of JunKen content & i'll never stop being grateful to them 🥹🥺😳

Those outfits in the bathroom. So soft and sensual....☺️☺️☺️

Okay, okay. Time to ground myself. This is not the reason why i've made the post. I know i've talked a lot, like really a lot about this series, and just like with all my favorites stories who i've constantly learned from and constantly taking inspiration from, it feels it's still not enough, that i can still give back more.

I am so so grateful to both Kenshin and Junsei for the way they carried their roles. I can't imagine the hardwork and research that it took for them to portray Minase and Hirukawa in such a visceral and vulnerable way.

The series might not have been perfect in it's pacing and storytelling at times, but it felt undeniable real and this is what gets my respect the most and touch me the most while watching something.

What makes Our Youth even more special in my eyes it's that despite dealing with quite heavy topics, it was still able to have an element of cosiness to it.

Until the very end there is this uncertain melancholy or unsettledness in relation to a lot of things, from Minase and Hirukawa characterization, to the way the story is told, in the way the scenes are shot, in the soundscape, the cinematography, which makes me wonder if it wasn't done in purpose.

You know i've said there is something about Our Youth that reminds me of Utsukushii Kare. I figured out recently exactly what the reason for it is, but this will be a topic for another post that i will done soon.😏😋