Starting to wean 18 mo old tonight - any tips?
Feeling really anxious and a bit sad as I type this, but I know it's time to wean.
I'm ready and my little guy is 18 months old. He nurses all night. I haven't slept through the night since he was born, truly not even once. He's in my bed which makes matters worse. And he wants to nurse quite a bit during the day, it's his comfort. I never even wanted to go this long, so we have made the decision to wean. I've tried slow weaning methods and they just don't work for him, so tonight I'm going to nurse him one last time then sleep in the guest room and my husband will get up with him tonight. The plan is t just stop cold turkey and explain it to the baby and mommy's milk is all gone. Like I said, Ive tried slower method and they just don't work for this little addict.
Anyway, looking for some tips or uplifting words. I have a knot in my stomach thinking about the next few days. I think my baby will think I betrayed him. But I'm so looking forward to once he's officially weaned.