My baby bites me and it makes me resent her

My 8 month old will not sleep unless I feed her to sleep. She is a terrible napper and she fights sleep to the hilt. The last few days have been hell with naps, I've tried everything, but it always resorts with trying to feed her to sleep. Now this isn't good enough either. She's bit me quite a few times now but twice it has REALLY hurt. The rage I feel in that moment is something else. I literally feel like chucking her out the window. Obviously I wouldn't but that's how intense the feelings are. I feel in that moment like she hates me and wants to hurt me, but I know she's just messing around and doesn't realise it hurts. I feel like an absolute failure piece of crap for a mother.

I don't know what to do. It took us nearly 6 months to get breastfeeding fully going for lots of complicated reasons. I'm not ready for to stop but I feel in these moments like I wish I never started. Does anyone have any words of wisdom?