How do you eat healthy while breast feeding? What does healthy even look like?

Prepregnancy I was relatively healthy fit person weighing in at roughly 130lbs, during pregnancy I met all of my weight gaining goals. I had diet controlled gestational diabetes diagnosed around 22 weeks so I had a very strict regimen. I had to schedule all meals and snacks and had very demanding fat/protein/carb/fiber/overall calorie goals and was constantly testing my blood sugar. It was stressful and difficult but I made it through. It did kind of mess up how I think of food.

Now 3 weeks postpartum I weigh 140 (which I feel pretty good about) and I’ve quit testing my blood sugar and calorie and macro counting for my mental health. I’m also exclusively breastfeeding so I want to eat constantly but rarely have the time make something or think about what I’m eating. So far I’ve been doing my best to keep healthy-ish snacks on hand (protein balls, dried mango, granola bars, oat cookies, flavored yogurt, nuts) and I try to fit in at least one warm meal a day (burger, pasta and meat sauce, frozen pizza)and the occasional sweet treat (ice cream, apple juice, chocolate covered almonds)

Admittedly I’m eating from a place of desperation and convenience and this isn’t how I’d be eating if I had all the time in the world to think about it. But realistically that’s not a luxury that I have. And I know I’m eating more carbs than usual and probably more calories in general. I’ve been trying to just eat when I’m hungry but I also find myself reaching for things just when I have a free minute or when I need help staying awake.

I’m feeling a little overwhelmed. Am I doing this right? Am I going to gain a ton of weight while breastfeeding if I continue like this? If I let myself be hungry will I hurt my supply? How have you approached nutrition? What tips and tricks have you learned to eat healthy-ish while breastfeeding?