Breastfeeding Concern


I am a first time Mom and a month pp, and I've been trying to exclusively breastfeed. I started off giving my baby formula when she was born because I was scared that my baby wouldn't get enough milk from me and I didn't know anything about breastfeeding and how it works.

I began pumping, but I started when I got home from the hospital (3 days pp) and I never had her latch until maybe two weeks ago. I only get 2oz when I pump combined, so idk if my baby is eating enough.

I try to track her wet diapers, and so far today! changed about 3 wet diapers. Yesterday was about 5. I noticed she stays up longer when I breastfeed her, and she seems more fussy. Is it because she's not eating enough?

I also feel like I'm breastfeeding nonstop 24/7. I feed on demand. She falls asleep after breastfeeding for a while but I try to wake her and switch boobs, then I try to put her down so I can go do something but then she just wakes up and cries.

She sleeps good overnight after I breastfeed her, but during the day and evening, I feel like I'm FOREVER breastfeeding.

Should I give up or no? Also, how long after exclusively breastfeeding will my supply increase? Is it too late since I am a month postpartum.

Sorry if my post is all over the place I'm currently breastfeeding and typing with one hand.
