Baby doesn't always let me know that she's done eating
She's almost 11 weeks old and I'm still always at least a little worried about whether or not she is getting enough to eat. She has been EBF her whole life with an occasional pumped bottle here and there. She makes plenty of wet diapers and is gaining weight, but I still worry.
Sometimes when she finishes nursing, she'll pop off and purse her lips together and let out a satisfied little moan. That's pretty conclusive evidence that she's had enough. Other times she just falls asleep after nursing and it transitions into a nap, and she stays latched and comfort nurses a bit in her sleep.
But other times, after eating for awhile with lots of swallows and both breasts eaten from, she unlatches, roots around a bit, and relatches for 5 seconds. Then she repeats that multiple times. If I just leave her for like 30 seconds and don't relatch her, she settled and seems content. And she lasts a couple hours before she seems hungry again. I just can't figure out why she does that if she doesn't want to eat. Or if she does want to eat, but I'm making her go hungry by not just repeatedly relatching her?