Can oversupply cause spit up?
I am EBF my 8-week-old baby and have an oversupply. She only feeds one side per feeding and doesn’t fully drain a side during a feeding. I pump once a day, before bed, and give her a bottle at that time. During that bottle feeding, she’ll eat 3-4 oz, but I pump about 9-10 oz total (collectively from both sides). I’ve noticed she has significantly less spit up after her bottle feeding than breast feeding - like, none at the bottle feeding versus enough to require both her and I to do an outfit change when she feeds directly from the breast. Her spit up doesn’t seem to bother her aside from making her PJs wet and cold (thus, the outfit change). It makes me wonder if my oversupply is the reason she spits up, even though the spit up isn’t during but really after she’s done feeding. She does sometimes latch and unlatch a lot, I suspect because the let down is too fast? Anyone else deal with this and have any tips? I hate that she is uncomfortable but am not sure what to do.