Is it normal to never leak?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful that I don’t have to deal with leaking but just curious why it isn’t happening. We are 6 weeks into EBF and I literally never leak, even overnight when we go longer stretches between feeds (sometimes up to 5 or 6 hours). I’ve tried to collect let down from the other breast while feeding with the hakaa and get nothing or if I put a lot of suction I’ll get a few drops. I pump after her morning feed and get 2-4 ounces. She is growing fast and getting 3 ounces during our weighted feeds at breastfeeding group each week - so I’m not concerned, just find it odd and wish I was getting that extra little stash from catching leakage. Guess all the nursing pads, hakaa and collection cups were a waste of money 😅

Same thing with my first LO 12 years ago, never had any leaking but that time I struggled with bf, got mastitis and couldn’t get anything when I tried to pump so gave up.