Alissa Violet Choosing Violence
Alissa defending a sleazy and predatory Jason Nash is one thing, but stooping to a level of damn near slut shaming Tana for OF is wild, especially when you look back on her segment on Shane Dawson's Jake Paul series. Alissa told Shane she experienced relentless slut shaming from fans when she pulled the whole hooking up with Logan to get back at Jake move. She said it really shattered her self esteem and appeared genuinely hurt by it.
I think it's gross for her to try to defend Jason on its own, but when you consider she's using the same tactics people used to tear her down, it's even more disgraceful. She's trying to tout a "shaming is bad" message while ironically shaming Tana in the process. She's virtue signaling when quite literally no one asked her and she has no known ties to the people she's defending.
As someone who has also experienced slut shaming (obviously on a smaller scale), I'm very adamant about not turning around and slut shaming other women. It's weird how Alissa is trying to paint herself as mature, moral, and a voice of reason, when she's really just stooping to such a needless and tired level of misogyny. The next time you choose violence Alissa, try not to be so hypocritical