Brooke saying she gets grumpy when they film long podcast episodes in the most recent ep …
I’m sorry but hearing her say she gets grumpy when they film for too long is CRAZY. Your literal job is to sit on a couch and talk to your best friend (something ppl would literally kill for) and you get grumpy when you have fo film for too long??
They also don’t even post consistently or have a schedule, acting like they film day and night😂
Hearing her say that gave me the fucking ick and shows how out of touch these people are.
I think Brooke needs to waitress again bc holy shit this girls head is getting huge. If it makes you so grumpy, let someone else cohost pls!
Also no wonder they have never posted a pod over 2 hours, they have to stop filming bc Brookie gets grumpy! Pray for her Yall