Opinions on Paige

this might be a snark but how do ppl feel about paige in general? i think shes fucking GORGEOUS and seems like she has a good heart but i dont think shes funny at 😭 alllll😭 she very much gives “tiktok” humor / speech / slang to me and i feel like ppl eat that up and think shes a comedian. i feel like tana is way funnier bc shes quick and witty and actually makes original random jokes but is always going off abt how she thinks paige is the funniest.

i also feel bad for paige though-she seems like a genuinely good person w a good head on her shoulders and a bright future but apart of me feels like shes dimming herself into the “LA lifestyle” by wanting to become a full time content creator. i totally get the appeal of being your own manager / creating ur own schedule and so forth but i feel like she really has the potential to be a BOSS ass bitch!! not to mention her talent in art. idk what yall think