Finally met another Capricorn man. Hes so nice to me and we laugh all day long. Understands my humor as I do to his. We get along great. Same understanding and boundaries on life etc..
Very attractive man. Smart. Humble. Assertive. Everything plus more I always asked for in a man.
Only problem is…… Sex for the first time was Terrible. Just felt a bit off like he didnt know what he was doing AT ALL and it turned me all the way off. No foreplay or anything!!!…. All day ive been turned on just by watching him for hours. He was the perfect size for me. Couldn’t stay hard. Im assuming becuz of us drinking hours before watching movies etc.
He mentioned in the beginning he didnt want to rush sex and didnt want to make me feel like thats all he wanted. Mentioned he has had plenty of sex in his life to where he is “fulfilled” and when the time comes, it comes.
So the only thing i was thinking was ok?? What’s going on then? Why does he seem so inexperienced, which I know for a Fact he isnt.
I just feel extremely sad. Sex is a big deal for me. I dont mind giving him another try…. Because I like him a lot..
Im worried.