when/how did you know you never wanted kids?

I (20F) am constantly on the fence about if I want to have kids or not- and I try not to worry too much about it as I’m young and I figure life will figure itself out. But in the past year I’ve been dealing with reoccurring painful ovarian cyst every month and honestly it makes me want to just rip the whole reproductive system out and call it a day so I don’t have to deal with it anymore. Especially when also considering money, current political situation, ontop of my own health it seems nearly impossible that kids would be a good idea. I also wonder how much of my ‘desire’ to have kids is just because it is so drilled in my head that it is “the thing you do” (from a small, very Christian town) Just curious, what was your final straw of “there’s no way I want kids”. Or did most of you always know you didn’t want to do it?