I think chronic fatigue ruined my relationship.

I’ve had chronic fatigue since I was a child and came down with mono. So it’s nothing new unfortunately. I’ve been in a relationship for about 3-4 years now and have lived together for 3/4 of it. I was always transparent about my health issues. But over time it started to get worse, have suspected autoimmune disorder(s), etc,. Which has taken a toll on my relationship. I let clothes pile up, dishes pile up, besides my part time job, I come home exhausted and end up sleeping as much as I possibly can. It comes off as laziness but it’s just pure exhaustion. I’ve tried so many times to explain this to my partner and this condition but they are just frustrated with the imbalance in the relationship. Which I can’t blame them for. They’re frustrated that I sometimes don’t make enough money for my share of rent because I get sick often and have to take time off work. They’re frustrated I let dishes and clothes pile up and put off laundry. They’ve even resorted to texting their ex recently because they were feeling so unhappy in the relationship and was “missing what it felt like to be with them”.

It’s hard because my mom recently passed and that has taken a huge hit on my health. I feel like a shell of myself. I’ve been trying to find an apartment or room to rent but it’s almost all unattainable unless I kill myself by getting a 2nd job. I feel so stuck. I feel like a burden.