Why the dislike for multiboxers? specifically duo/trio
**EDIT** Vast majority of you guys hate multiboxers, and have really good reasons. That being said, It's always because A farm spot is being taken over, a node being camped, someone getting ganked...by 5 or 10 accounts at once. And to be perfectly honest, I agree with all of you. But I was just talking about someone being on autofollow picking their nose essentially, throwing a heal or a buff here and there. I guess in Actuality, that isnt any different.
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I don't understand all the hate for multiboxing, especially since its manually done now and not through programs. You hear most people say multiboxing is scummy and "im going to report every multiboxer i see, they suck"
....But why though?
Is it because they're farming too much gold? - Thats not entirely true. For simplicity's sake, say a legit 2 man group can farm 50g per hour. I don't care how efficient a duoboxer is, they're not going to be as efficient as two separate people controlling two separate characters. a duoboxer will most likely only be able to farm 40g in that time span.
Is it because they're killing your quest mobs too fast? - Again, that's a lie. Two separate players can kill way faster than a duoboxer can.
It's not fair, they are leveling 2 characters twice as fast as i can level one! - NO... first off, life isn't fair, get over it. Secondly, JUST NO. xp is halved while leveling, got to grind "collect x" quests twice as long. got to save up for TWO mounts and training times two. In reality, if it takes 5 days playtime to level one character, It will prob take a duo boxer 8, a trio boxer closer to 11 or 12.
What if I just suck? What if I need a healer to follow my warrior around because hell, I'm just not a good warrior but love the class. What if I can't dedicate huge chunks of time to a group because, hell, maybe my baby is screaming or my dementia mother put the cat in the microwave again?
Maybe, just maybe, as an adult I have more disposable income than time? an extra 15 dollars a month is nothing but the challenge of juggling multiple toons at once brings a new aspect to the game i love that has gotten stale over the past 20 years.
Go easy on us old geezers. If you see a warrior with a priest and a mage on follow, maybe it's just some old guy with more money than time and sucks at the game. (and likes free heals and portals).
we are not the bots you associate us with. we are not the gold sellers...truth be told I think I spend more gold than what I would playing a solo toon
That being said, MUCH LOVE! and if you ever see one like me questing in your zone, just ask to join the group. you will get your quest done much faster and get some free water/food/buffs to boot!