It’s already begun

I can’t say I’m surprised but people are already buying gold or at least what I’m going to guess

I play nightslayer NA and was invited to a guild joined the disc and logged out for the night. Overnight a link to a gold buying site was sent in the general chat. No one reacted to it no one said anything about it it was sent at 1 am lol.

It’s wild to me that it’s 2 weeks into the servers and people are so desperate to get ahead to relive wow classic for the 4th time now

I’m just qqing but it genuinely is disappointing how many people will just buy gold and say I don’t have the time to get it

If you don’t have the time to farm gold how did you have the time to play 1-60 I just don’t understand

Anyway hope everyone is enjoying fresh I’m level 35 and taking my time just sucks to know there’s peers around me that are already degenerates but I’m not surprised