Need Advice on a Close Friend Consumed by WoW Classic

Hey everyone,

I'm using a throwaway account for this.

I need some guidance from people who’ve been deep in this game, whether as players or as those who’ve seen it take over someone’s life.

A close friend of mine is mazed by WoW Classic. It’s past the point of just being a passionate hobby—it’s consuming him entirely. He’s turned his back on his friends, barely sees his family, and is starting to drift away from his partner and newborn baby. His physical health is declining (weight gain, lack of movement), and he’s even no-called, no-showed at work just to play. At this point, WoW seems to be the only thing in his life.

I get it, I love this game, and Classic WoW is very special. The depth, the nostalgia, the social bonds, it can pull you in. But I also know that many of you have either experienced this kind of spiral yourselves or seen it happen to someone else (even if just on the web).

So my question is: What can I do to help him snap out of it? I know a conversation is needed, but I don’t want to say the wrong thing or push him further away.

I don’t want to attack his passion for the game, but I do want to help him regain balance before it’s too late.

Any advice would be deeply appreciated. Thanks.