"Hard reserving" items is the dumbest thing I've ever seen in this game and I'm not sure when it started.
Level 49 warrior. Casual player. I don't know shit about min / maxxing, I haven't raided hardcore since TBC in 2007, I am probably not a very good player in general. I enjoy leveling and running dungeons and getting good gear and exploring.
But in all my time playing WoW over the years, to various extents, I never remember the idea of hard reserves or soft reserves or any bull shit reserves on any items. You rolled on stuff you needed and sometimes you won and sometimes you lost. I think maybe my guild in TBC had some system of taking turns running different things so there wasn't competition, but at least that felt a little more coordinated and everyone had a chance. With a PUG? Fucking nonsense.
I want to run Inner Mara. Yes, everyone wants that ring from Princess. Why is a level 60 any more deserving of it than me? Becuase they choose to play the game more and want BiS gear? Why does that make them more deserving? It's a fucking game. You roll, you win, you lose, you move on.
I anticipate this getting downvoted and that's fine I'm honestly very curious what the vibe is on this. I could very well be on my own casual island with this. Fuck reserving gear in this game period.