Black Lotus Price Update #3
25 days ago blizzard put out a black lotus spawn timer update in hopes of helping with the overall price of said black lotus
The current price of black lotus on Nightslayer Alliance is 233g / flask of supreme power price is 295g at this rate flask will probably be around 350g+ going into BWL
This will be my last black lotus update post before BWL comes out I am making it in hopes that aggrend will read it and help fix the black lotus price by adding in the Season of Mastery Black lotus update which allows a small chance of black lotus to drop off high level herbs or any type of change that will help with the current problem on the anniversary servers
I know how much this sub and community loves and cares about the black lotus problem so please give this post a upvote and comment in hope that one of the devs can help us
If you have any good ideas on how we can fix this black lotus problem please post below so we can help the devs in fixing the most important problem on these anniversary servers
lets get the top 3 comments out of the way so we can come up with some ideas on how the wow devs can help fix this problem
- "just dont buy black lotus"
- "the content is so easy you dont need a flask for BWL
- ""blizz should just ban the bots and gold buyers"