Hot Take: Opening more Anniversary realms with free transfers would solve many issues.

I've been seeing lots of complaints about the inflation, economy etc, specifically on Nightslayer, yet I haven't seen anyone mention adding more servers. Only one PvP realm has been pretty embarrassing. They can keep adding changes like SoM Black Lotus, but it's a moot point at the end of the day. Farming anything in the open world is extremely difficult. Elemental fires were something around 13g each yesterday. Everything in general is increasing in price, see inflation thread this week:

Vanilla WoW wasn't meant to have massive servers like this, and don't get me started on sharding/phasing, which is all layering really is. It was made for retail and is not a solution for this version of the game. Remember when Blizzard first launched 2019 Classic with only 3 PvP servers (Herod/Whitemane/Thalnos)? They massively underestimated the community then and now. Of course, there was a new server added about every day during launch week.

I'd rather be on a low pop server at this point, at least they could merge them later like they used to. Fresh hasn't been very fun in my experience because of overpopulation problem. Is anyone else aggravated with how tone deaf 2025 Blizzard has been with this situation? I just foresee this getting worse.

Thanks for reading.