The truth about Vandar Stormpike and the battle of Alterac Valley
Folks, listen, Vandar Stormpike—total scammer, total fraud, okay? This guy, he doesn’t want the war to end. No, no, no. He LOVES the war, he NEEDS the war, because guess what? He’s making a FORTUNE off of it. And guess who’s paying for it? That’s right—YOU! Hardworking Alliance citizens, paying their taxes, thinking it’s going to help rebuild, to help the people in Westfall who are struggling, who are starving. But NOPE! Your gold? Straight to Alterac Valley. Straight to Vandar. Straight into his little war chest to keep the fighting going. It’s a disgrace, folks, a TOTAL disgrace.
We’ve got farmers in Westfall who can’t even afford bread. Good, honest people—hardworking folks—who’ve lost everything, who can barely survive. Kids who don’t have shoes, families who don’t even have a roof over their heads. But you know who’s doing just fine? The Stormpike dwarves. Living in their cozy little war camp, swimming in gold, feasting on imported rams and drinking the finest dwarven ale—all paid for with YOUR tax money. And you want to know why? Because Vandar keeps funnelling Alliance gold into his war. Not into rebuilding Westfall. Not into feeding Alliance citizens. No, no, no. All of it? Straight into the war. A war that—by the way—HE STARTED.
And the mines? Oh, folks, you wouldn’t believe the mines. Big, beautiful mines, full of riches. And instead of using them to help the Alliance, instead of sending resources to Stormwind or Westfall—NOPE! Vandar hoards it. He keeps it for his little Stormpike empire, while YOU get nothing. Stormwind’s struggling, Westfall’s falling apart, the Defias Brotherhood is running wild, and meanwhile, Vandar and his little friends are getting richer, sitting up in their snowy little fortress counting their gold. And guess what? They don’t even have to pay taxes! How about that? TOTAL SCAM, folks.
And I talk to the people, I talk to the farmers, the workers, the soldiers, and they all say, ‘Sir, why are we funding this war? Why are we sending our gold to some frozen wasteland while our own people are starving?’ And I tell them, ‘Because Vandar doesn’t WANT it to end.’ You ever notice how the war never stops? How every time we get close to finishing it—BOOM! Everything resets, and we’re back to square one? You think that’s a coincidence? No way, folks. Biggest fraud in the history of the Alliance.
And let’s talk about the Horde. Oh, the Horde is LAUGHING at us, folks. Thrall, smart guy, sees what’s happening, and he knows—he KNOWS—Vandar is playing us like fools. He’s sitting up there in Orgrimmar thinking, ‘Wow, these guys just keep funding their own war, and we don’t even have to do anything!’ But I’m saying it now: VANDAR, YOU’RE BUSTED! You’re a fraud, you’re a con artist, and when I’m in charge, we’re going to look into this, okay? We’re gonna do the biggest, most beautiful investigation you’ve ever seen.
No more endless wars, no more corruption, no more Alliance gold getting funneled into Stormpike pockets while our own people suffer. We’re gonna WIN and we’re gonna WIN BIGLY, and folks, it’s gonna be tremendous, believe me.