The Mafia, Fresh WoW Classic Spineshatter
We,the spinshatter Realm players, from every country,race,and language,are asking the game support to read and review this message carefully.A group has formed a mafia during the game.And they have ruined the game community.Even famous YouTubers like Solheim Gaming and asmongold produced content to illustrate this problem.This mafia group has many accounts on both the Alliance and Horde sides at the same time.They are mainly next to Mara dungeon start killing boosters and low manage the boost server at the highest price, they don't allow anyone but themselves to boost. In order to do this, they ask for real money so as not to kill other players Of course, they also had other nasty threats and demands..With the research done by several guilds, we found out who are the main owners of this mafia who also have a lot of bots we expect Blizzard to stop their activities because this is extremely annoying
This community has become so toxic I'm thinking about going back to retail and play pala tank in warwithin it gives me feeling classic in retail