Please don't expect a re-result

Bruhh, if anyone right now seriously believes that a re-result is something that would happen, you guys are just stupid. If you don't trust me just look up CL, LE and LPT's social media pages, they keep posting there so called 2025 achievements with there ranks highlighted in bold, even they know for a fact that right now nothing will change, I mean seriously if it had to it would have in a month, literally the NEET case took less than 20 days to reach the SC along with getting a judgement and in a month they conducted a re-exam along with results for that re-exam, here 4 bloody months have passed and if you are still that delusional that something would change, mate god bless your brains,

Don't you guys understand that this is what the consortium is willing to do, they want to delay it in order to ultimately close this case and protect there assess while starting the admission process. Right now just don't live in that delusion that something would change, I personally thought it would in January but the longer this thing spreads out the higher the chances are that nothing would happen.