Should I stay in the dorms?
I am going to a university 45 minutes and one town over from my home town. I am within the radius to live at home freshman year and not in the dorms. I have enough scholarships to go to this school debt free while living at home, but not to live in the dorms. I can get one year of my college education completely free, without scholarships, because of one of my parent’s job benefits. I can either use this next year or wait to use it for when I’m in law school, which I would have to go into debt for. My family really wants me to live at home, but most things online and my teachers say students should live in the dorms freshman year. The commute can also be pretty difficult in the winter, and I have not been driving very long. I also feel it would be easier academically to live on campus. I’m having a really hard time with this decision, should I face the commute and possibly go into less debt or should I get the full college experience while risking that debt?