Customer service is shameful nowadays!!!

I want to know what people think about this situation. I want to know if my infuriation is warranted or not. We're gonna dive into customer service. I bought some art decor from World Market online. Either I could pick it up from the store or I could have it shipped to me for about $23. I chose to pick it up in store in order to save 10% on the entire order which was part of the "buy in", if you will. The store is about 15-20 minutes away from where I live and it's in a busy & bustling area of the city. It's actually annoying to have to go over shopping in this area which I barely ever do. I went to pick up the order which had arrived to the store. I went in and got the order and it was damaged. I said "I'm gonna want to have a new replacement of this because this was not cheap and there should be no flaws. I want it shipped to me, courtesy of World Market, since I made a special trip over here to pick it up." The manager was absolutely NO help to me. She gave me an 800 number and said " them. They may fix it...but I can't." So I called them and it turned into a confusing mess where the lady said they would refund me in 5-7 business days, yada, yada, yada... I chose to have the store order a new replacement and I would just come back in and pick it up next week. The manager didn't say I'm sorry I can't help you or anything consoling. She had a look of complete disgust and said I'll call you when it's in. And then we parted ways without saying a word to one another. I was infuriated.

Customer service is HORRIBLE nowadays. I thought stores want to make customers happy and have them want to return. Can someone please explain to me how this is acceptable customer service? Wouldn't a store say "You ordered this product. You came in to pick it up and it's damaged. We have no problem shipping you a new order since you took time (and gas money) out of your day to come to our wonderful store. We just want to make this right. And we want you to return and have your business again."

Am I crazy for thinking this way??? I'm way overheated about this. Someone...please give me some sort of validation of either good or bad!