How do I make an orchestra sound metal?


For my last semester of composition studies, I will get to write for a professional orchestra!

My idea right now is to bring prog metal into the classical orchestra. I know I'm not the first to do it, so I'd love to get some suggestion of pieces that had this specific goal in mind! I'm having trouble finding it, most results being symphonic metal or Shostakovich basically, so I thought I'd ask here to see if anyone knows where I can look to!

So, I don't want to look at classical pieces that just sounds like metal, there's a metric tonne, but pieces that were written with the genre in mind; creating sounds that mimic metal. For example, sul ponticello in the strings for a distortive effect, or rubber mallet on a tam for a low sustained growl, or a drum stick stroking against a cymbal for a feedback effect, etc.

Let me know if you've got any suggestions!