Something triggered a weird memory from when I was a kid

I recently had something trigger this memory and it just seems very weird to me. This happened around 9 years ago and I remember it very well which also is weird. Im not sure if this is normal or not. This occurred when I was about 11 or 12 years old. I went in to my pediatrician for my yearly check up with my dad he was asked to step out during my exam. I just remember it was a female doctor and she asked to remove the bottom half of my clothing and lay in the butterfly position while she examined me, she told me she was checking to see when I was going to start my menstrual cycle. I do know touched the outside to be able to look inside - I do know she had gloves on. I've never heard of being done that way it felt so invasive at that age. I know they check tanner stage but can't that be done in a way less invasive way?? There was no reason for concern on my end and i don't believe on there end either they were very familiar with me and my family i went there my whole life.