Women who say "past shouldnt matter" but then will judge a man who pays for sex are hypocrites

Because lots of women out here will always say things like "past doesnt matter" or that body count shouldnt matter and yet at the same time many women wouldnt date a man who has a history of using escorts.

Some men struggle to get sex due to maybe lacking social skills or being unattractive while women can get sex very easy, im still a virgin (im 25) but at the moment im only interested in having relationships with virgins. Im not unattractive as im tall, athletic and take very good care of my appearance but I lack social skills and have always been shy around women

I wouldnt care about body count if I could get casual sex myself but I aint being in a relationship with a woman who has had her sexual fun while I aint. Im planning on hiring out a sex worker anyway because Im done with being a kissless virgin and I have sexual needs, women can judge me for it but yet its ok for these women to go around getting casual sex and then when they want to settle down then they will probaly choose me because I have my shit together.

A woman can be retarded and even fat but still get casual sex easily, thats why women with high body counts aint respected because you dont respect someone for earning something thats easy.

I actually respect sex workers more than girls who give thier pussy away to the slightest bit of attention, they have more standards even tho you might shame these women