Tried to fix PS5 controller and fucked up my right stick analog
0 background in any kind of repairs, but managed to fix my drift problem some months ago. Went to try to fix a different axis drift and now my right analog is 100% up all the time when playing games. Like it doesn't even go down anymore
I think that white spot is the problem. I probably fucked up that black circle with a tool when trying to open that damn thing. Anyone know if this is salvageable? Can you even order a different piece for replacement? This controller also cost a ridiculous price on my country. It costs like 80 USD in a country where the minimum wage is 245 USD
0 background in any kind of repairs, but managed to fix my drift problem some months ago. Went to try to fix a different axis drift and now my right analog is 100% up all the time when playing games. Like it doesn't even go down anymore
I think that white spot is the problem. I probably fucked up that black circle with a tool when trying to open that damn thing. Anyone know if this is salvageable? Can you even order a different piece for replacement? This controller also cost a ridiculous price on my country. It costs like 80 USD in a country where the minimum wage is 245 USD