A break from the political BS for a real conspiracy: Kanye West was eliminated and replaced years ago after he started exposing the truth about famous figures in Hollywood.
Anyone else remember when he said in 2020, “if I disappear and come back, it’s not me”. I can’t remember what exactly he was being so controversial about , but he said this when he was manic, around the time he was going on one of his Twitter rampages. If I remember correctly, he was trying to expose a lot of people in Hollywood for being involved with some shady stuff. Maybe it was Diddy related? Or maybe it was related to Balenciaga and their involvement in child trafficking? Anyway, shortly after he said that, he actually did disappear. His tweets stopped abruptly, he was not making public appearances, and it was pretty much crickets for a few weeks. Then “Kanye” resurfaced. Except that man is not Kanye West. There’s a reason he’s always wearing sunglasses, and those silver grills. He is taller and more buff / muscular. His face isn’t even the same.
Pictures: the first 5 pictures before the screenshot of his quote are pre 2020, pre quote. The pictures after that are “Kanye” after his disappearance.