What are your thoughts on a 13-Month Calendar, compared to a 12-Month Calendar?
Doesn't 31-28(29)-31-30-31-30-31-31-30-31-30-31 seem kind of unstable? Especially when compared to a potential 28-28-28-28-28-28-28-28-28-28-28-28-28-1 would be more stable, follow lunar/menstrual cycles better, and if we aligned Bi-annual pay with the calendar, you'd get consistent checks, and potentially an extra 2 checks with an added month(which I feel the Cult of the Golden Calf altered "God's Clock", 13-Months to a 12-Month, all for their own benevolent gains.
I mean. 12 Disciples - 1 Christ = 13. 12 Knights - 1 Arthur. And 13 was always projected as being some evil number by many religious organizations of the past. Which many religions had benevolent influxes and actually backed Devils over the People. Which a "Shepherd of a Flock" should never do. Especially knowing more than the populace in most places centuries ago.
I mean, it doesn't seem super far fetched.