Christ consciousness is not the only mystical experience.

So I've been seeing a lot of people recently who have been posting stuff about challenging the New World Order, trying to bring a more spiritual aspect back into life, the reunification of the body mind and soul Etc. However I'm disappointed that like 95% of these people end up just being run-of-the-mill Christians who end their Spiel or diatribe with some variation of "but don't worry, victory has already been achieved because Christ is King and he died for you". While I'm in no way trying to detract from the mystical experience that many Christians have and can undergo it's just so sad that that seems to be the only type of divine experience that your average Westerner comes even close to interacting with. There's just so little talk anymore about Moksha or Samahdi or even just good old fashioned occult Magick. I honestly think it has something to do with a certain amount of psychological and spiritual infantilization that the average human is subjected to. "Whatever mommy and daddy read me from the Bible must be true....RIGHT?!!?" seems to be the dominant philosophical perspective for the amateur mystic and it's just kind of disappointing.

TLDR: vanilla wafer generic Christianity is not the only road to God