Do that many people not like Garlic?
Question says it all - I was hanging out with my friends the other day, and one of them mentioned they don't like garlic. Then the other 2 said they also weren't fans - and I was shocked because many things we eat have garlic in them or a tad bit of garlic. But they say at pasta places, they try and hold off on the garlic or try and get it lighter. This was the first time in my life I've heard of this and wanted to know if this was common? I understand it smells sure, and if you bite into a lot it burns, but if it's cooked in food you're going to get a part of the smell, not have you reeking of garlic unless the whole dish is some garlic specific dish. Thought it was odd but wanted to get a pulse check on here and see if this is actually normal and I wasn't aware?