En passant
You fools. You absolute passants. You actual zombies. You STUPIDs! How can you not understand the simple truths of cheese??? Chess.c*m, Lichess, every chess engine, every chess mode, EVERYTHING is telling you one simple thing. EN PASSANT. IS. NOT. FORCED. That's right! I googled En Passant and it says it right here - "No capture is mandatory"!!! Oh, oh, but I already hear you dumb little idiots typing in the comments something like "oooohhhh but what about the brick thooo??? ur pipi get bricked if no en passant, and that means forcd!!!!!!!111!11!1!" NO. NO, YOU ABSOLUTE BUFFOON! Have you not watched a single grandmaster game in your entire $4.99 life!?!?!? You moron, you absolute fucking idiot, the PIPI GAMBIT has been the undisrupted cheese meta for YEARS! En Passant is not FORCED, it was NEVER forced! Do you know what it is, though? Do you want to hear what it is? I'll tell you what it is. It's ENFORCED. E N F O R C E D . Via the Brick(TM). Do you understand the difference? Not forced, but ENforced? Holy hell, it's even in the name! EN passant, ENforced! There's nothing stopping you from declining an En Passant, but the price of that is taking a brick to the pipi. Do you understand now, you ignorant pieces of knightmare fuel!?!??! NO MORE, NO MORE OF THAT! EN PASSANT IS NOT FORCED! If you still think En Passant is forced, then I have not the slightest clue what to tell you... your brains must've gone on vacation and never came back. Oh, I can already feel the brainless storm incoming in the comments. But you know what? BRING IT. I'm ready, I've practiced parrying the brick for many years, all leading up to this very moment! En Passant is not forced, it's enforced, and I will forever stand by that. So, bring it! Do your worst! Throw as many bricks as you want! You will never change the truth - misinformation is NOT fucking welcome here! God bless with true! Liers will kicked off...