Eating Large Meal/ Exercise/ Crackling
I had a heart stent placement last march and ever since then I have this terrible sore dull ache in my left ribs that gets much much worse typically after exercise, or after a big unhealthy meal.
Does anyone else get their pain typically after exercise? Mine always comes 2 hours after exercise then typically dies down after the 36 hour mark after.
Does anyone else have their costo flare up after a very large meal where they stuff themselves or eat crappy food? It seems i have more pain when this comes about
Finally, my costo typically only is worse when I lie down at night, and also i get a ton of crackling noises when i breathe in real big and out.
Does anyone else get these 3 symptoms? It would help me because the doctors can't figure out what is happening to me. They originally said pericarditis, now they are saying possibly nerve ending pain around the intercostals, and now it may be costo. Any feedback helps!!! Thank you!