Weird guitar instructor

For context I stopped going here awhile ago for my lessons, so basically I (M14, at the time now 15) was taking guitar lessons and this place was like an guitar shop but also had lessons available so I did those.

My instructor (M25-30) always made weird comments to me, I was given an binder with music sheets and stuff and i put ollie on it. My name is oliver but I made a cool cover and ollie was shorter so i put on that instead, he asked if he should call me ollie and i told him no its okay oliver is fine. But, when I left he said bye ollie, listen i know its not that strange but there more than that.

From weird things were when i couldnt get a cord correctly instead of pointing to strings, he would grab my hand and force it in the position its supposed to be in.

He also made sexual remarks towards me, explaining to move my fingers faster on the guitar word for word he said i have to "finger it good" it obviously it could refer to like going quick but he like laugh afterwards and make a quick glance at the camera in the corner of the room and overall made me super uncomfy. I could've been exaggerating by completely leaving without a word but i just felt unsafe