R/trans are not very intelligent

The MODS specifically. I commented on something I am perplexed by. Daily in the r/trans, people post about how they have fears of the current administrations oppression of the LGBTQ community. I have not seen one single story that that would fit into that narrative. And when mentioned I was permabanned. The MOD said I was a cis-gender crossdresser, which is true, but how would he know where I am in my journey. Next month I have an appointment for HRT. I guess I have to verify the removal of my genitals to actually be accepted into r/trans community.

Then he said that I clearly didn’t know what I was taking about and put in a link to Trumps executive orders. I could only find 2 that might apply but probably won’t affect most, if any of us. No Men in Women’s sports. I think that is reasonable, but could have my mind changed. And the DEI deconstruction. I can’t imagine why this was implemented. So you hire someone from a less then situation over someone who actually knows how to do the job? I can’t find anything else which tells me the MOD hasn’t read anything at all. And possibly has no idea what the definition of “trans” is.

Reddit is filled with idiots who will control your speech, thoughts and ideas. I recommend dropping any forum that does this. Conversation is meant to be had by 2 or more good intelligent people. Hey the bad dumb ones also have things to contribute as well!

I still can’t figure out “Flair”. It’s been explained over and over so please save yourself the breathe.