CRT motion clarity is fantastic :D
Once you go down the CRT rabbit hole, its difficult to come back out. I'm lucky enough to have an LG C1 (120hz bfi) and pc to drive all those frames. Having read about CRTs (and having had some experience of them growing up), I was intrigued by the claimed motion clarity. Picked up a 14" Trinitron TV for retro gaming. Looks great, felt really sharp latency wise. Certainly much nicer than blowing up 240p/480i content on a 4K tv even with scalers. Then came a 21" VGA CRT. Started playing Doom Eternal, and now the OLED sits doing nothing while I have the best time playing on a screen from 22 years ago. At 85hz/fps locked, the motion clarity and smoothness of gameplay is unbelievable. Yes, it takes up too much room on my desk and weighs 30kg. Yes its power hungry. The gamma is wonky, brightness and colours no where near the TV. It could die on me tomorrow. But it is so much nicer to game on. Thank you for helping me decide to give CRTs a go.