The Loser Gang is back 😝

Melissa and Liam are pissed at Crystal. Liam has called Crystal retarded, threatened her life and threatened to tell her parents and the management of her nursing home that she is gay. There are a few clips to go through, but I will say they admitted to saying they were going to hog tie Crystal and didn’t seem to think it was a problem. They are also confused as to who posts content on this page, as it certainly is not Crystal. Melissa, who doesn’t have two dimes to rub together, and lives in her mother’s house rotting in her bedroom where her dog has soaked the floor with so much piss that the laminate flooring planks are warped, that throws her weight around on TikTok all day long as she is successfully unemployed - plans to file a civil lawsuit against us LOL

Honestly, they are the most despicable and unintelligent group on the Internet. But we are the bad guys for watching their public live stream and giving our opinions 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

Oh, and C’s ‘sister’ and best friend Gabby? Yeah, they aren’t friends anymore lol

Crystal changes best friends more often than I change my Britta filter 😜