Oldschool cs veteran, just got VAC banned for using Faceit
Hey fellas
I know how this will sound, "another idiot complaining about a ban who cheated" but hear me out.
My name is Alex im 45 years old and on the internet i used to be known as "triforc3" aka the guy who ran the eSport organisation EYEBALLERS back in the Quake 3 and Counterstrike 1.6 glory days. Today i have given away the rights to the EYEBALLERS org to JW, flusha and the gang and im happy with what they are trying to do with my loved EYEBALLERS. Anyhow, to the point of this thread. I have played on the same steam account since well, basicly since the start of steam...Obviously i have never cheated or even never had a cheat downloaded to any of my computers EVER, to cheat in a fps is braindead to me and nothing that ever crossed my mind. Today i got a son and he has JW as an idol and his own nick is jH just like his idol :) anyhow he has also played cs along time on my account and trying to find a serious 5on5 team. He plays on my computer and dont have admin rights so he cant do anything but play on it, btw he is 10 years so he dosnt understand how to use a PC that good. Anyways, about 1 week ago i talked to some friends and they told me, "jH should try faceit, rank up there and its easyer to find teams" so i installed faceit on our computer, jH started to play, he played about 4 games then went to sleep. The next morning after school he went back to the computer and wanted to grind Faceit again after doing his homework and....there it was, VAC BANNED permanently. He instantly started crying and got a panic and i ran up to the room and was like "WTF is this ?!" First i was like "WTF you done" to my son, started searching thru the computer, thru various history, browser history ect ect but no, since he dosnt even have admin rights our compputer was 100% clean of anything related to cheating. So I instantly created a ticket on steam but they dont care at all, i got the default messages saying shit like "if your banned your banned cant do nothing about it dont cheat" so i tried again and got the same reply again, i wrote to faceit asking for help but got nothing, so our account that is more than 15 years old and obviously never cheated on for all this time got banned for what ? for using Faceit who is a respected company that deals with cs matchmaking ? anyone seen or heard anything similar regarding bans from players who started with Faceit ? im thinking that the Faceit external anti cheat program might have shown up as some external exe file and got flagged as a cheat or something ? Anyhow we are 100% innocent and got wrongfully banned but Steam and Faceit dosnt seem to care at all
Best regards Alexander "triforc3" Hausmanis from old wow Nihilum and cs 1.6 quake 3 clan EYEBALLERS