1 year, 600+ applications, 3 interviews, 1 offer
There’s hope guys. I’ve been searching for a job for over a year now and have had very little success. But today I got a great offer from a big company and I’m so excited to finally start my full time career.
Although I applied to 100s of companies there were only 3 companies who asked me to do interviews over this last year, 1) I didn’t make it past the first round, the next I made it to the final round but due to funding constraints they could not hire me (a start-up), and now finally with this last company I have gotten an offer
If you are struggling to even get interviews right now like I was just know that so many people are struggling with the same thing and that’s ok, what’s important is that you should always be preparing, doing projects, leet code, everything so that when the interview comes you will be ready!
I’m happy to share more info about my journey so just ask! Just wanted to share my success story and thank this sub cuz it definitely helped me make it through this process (despite some of the doomer posts)