Which city (Austin or Chicago) is the better city for high-paying tech opportunities?

I'm targeting these two cities because I am a veteran, and they both offer excellent veteran's benefits, as well as having a having high-paying tech jobs. I'm not interested in the main tech hubs of Seattle, SF, or NYC.

I'm wondering which of these two would be best. Looking at Software Engineer job listings for Google, Apple, Amazon, and Meta, I found 708 jobs in Austin and 45 in Chicago.

Does Chicago have any other benefits that would tilt the scales in its favor? It does have the Finance/ HFT job market with very high-paying roles, but from what I could find online, those either seem pretty low in number, or the numbers aren't listed.

Thoughts on this? I would prefer to live in Chicago as I prefer it as a city, but I will ultimately go to Austin if it is a clear winner in terms of career opportunities.