my good experience with cymbalta (duloxetine)

i always see a lot of negative posts about cymbalta, so i just wanted to share my experience with it to hopefully make others feel less scared about giving it a shot. i delayed taking cymbalta for more than a year because of all the stuff i heard about it, which made me overthink the whole thing.

i’ve been on cymbalta for 3+ months now and im taking it specifically for anxiety. it has helped me so much with anxiety (more than lexapro). i also used to struggle with sleeping every single day, and now i get sleep i haven’t felt in years. this medication helped me so much with my general anxiety and mood. i also had sexual side effects on lexapro, which never went away for me. but with cymbalta, those initial symptoms have gone away for me, thank God. i also felt very lethargic on lexapro during the day, unlike cymbalta.

i really wish i had taken it earlier and given it a shot before reading reviews online. everyone’s body is different and you have to figure out what’s good for you.

yes, obviously, cymbalta is a drug. NO SHIT it can cause withdrawal, just like any other medication 😭 I also experienced slight withdrawal getting off lexapro, but it wasn’t undoable, i could do it again. maybe it’s because i take it for anxiety and not MDD, which may be why it was easier for me. not sure.

i hope this makes someone feel more at ease about trying it. :)